Walk Against Hate

November 11, 2018 @ 1:00 pm – 3:00 pm
Sample Gates

Following the gathering on the night of Monday, October 29th, 2018, held in remembrance of those lost in the recent Pittsburgh tragedy, the students held a meeting on Wednesday night about possible next steps to combat hate. They came up with the following plan (see below for details). We are going to have a Walk Against Hate co-sponsored with Student Life and Learning and the Dean of Students Office. We would like to co-sponsor with as many students groups as possible. We will walk from the Sample Gates to Showalter Fountain. At Showalter Fountain we will have a short gathering where we will speak out against hate.

The Episcopal Campus Ministry at IU will also be one of the co-sponsors for this event.

Event: Walk Against Hate
Date: Sunday, November 11
Time: 1:00pm
Where: Meet at Sample Gates and walk to the Showalter Fountain by the IU Auditorium.

1:00PM Congregate at Samples Gates
1:30PM Walk to Showalter Fountain
2:00PM Speakers Begin/Chants
3:00PM Program concludes

(All credit for the content and formatting of this announcement goes to Rabbi Sue Laikin Silberberg, Executive Director of the Helene G. Simon Hillel Center.)